How much does this valuation cost?
Totally free!
Determining the value of a pre-owned aircraft is a complex undertaking. Exclusive Aircraft will value your aircraft utilizing a number of metrics to get to an accurate valuation for your Jet or Helicopter. There are so many variables that affect the real value of an aircraft including. Age (How your accountant depreciates the asset verses how it depreciates in the real work market), How it’s been used, how it’s been maintained, damage history, and how it compares to similar aircraft on the market and their values. Exclusive Aircraft will start with looking at VREF and Bluebook as a benchmark of aircraft value, then apply a real market survey to give an accurate understanding of value and desirability also looking at the maintenance and condition of the asset. Please by filling out the free aircraft valuation request form as below and one of Exclusive Aircrafts expert valuers will email you with the end result being a comprehensive and totally free valuation and market report based on current market conditions.
Totally free!
Contact Exclusive Aircraft Sales for your Valuation with the following information. Aircraft Serial number and Registration, recent maintenance reports CAMP report, If there has been any damage history on the aircraft. (heavy landing, wing clash, lightning strike etc) and we will promptly value your aircraft.
Blue book, VREF are online tools, maintenance analysis, maintenance forecasting and like for like comparisons on real market conditions. All of these will combine with our expert understanding to give you an accurate price for sale.
Typically you can expect your valuation to arrive in 48 hrs from Exclusive Aircraft receiving the above information. We may request further information from you also based on the type of aircraft you have.
Exclusive Aircraft will value the following aircraft types. All Helicopters, turboprops, all jet aircraft and all commercial aircraft. Bring any aircraft to us and we will value it for you. (We do not cover small piston engine aircraft unfortunately)
You will receive a market valuation which will be a short, concise (roughly 2 page) pdf in easy to understand language that will value your aircraft in the current market. This will include a market snapshot of other like aircraft available for sale. If you are happy with your valuation we will happily sell your aircraft for you.
The market sets the value of the aircraft the appraiser only combines their extensive knowledge with the tools given to them to accurately place the aircraft value in the current market. In come cases for clarity in appraisal it may be necessary to request more information and visit the aircraft to conduct a viewing and logbook review.